An Eggcelent Shopping Trip

Our end of the year for us tends to be a double whammy, Samhain shaking us in some format and Yule restabilizing us, both high energy Sabbats with a capital S. It started out that way on our very first ritual together and has kind of become a tradition ever since. This time however, with too many things pulling all of us in different directions, we decide to forgo ritual entirely.

Reflections: Holiday Anxiety Round-Up

It’s like this every year. I get dragged and bogged down by two popular songs in over 20 cover variants the moment we’re a day out of Remember Day. All of those weeks accumulating to the 24th and 25th where my brain goes into hyper dissociation, and I become an emotional zombie.

Witchy Kitties- Maybe Not

Regardless of whether you believe that witches familiars can make themselves available through the way of a pet or not, there is usually a more or less universal understanding that cats are at least one foot in the other like we are.

A Grain of Salt: How Nothing Is Certain

Whether that be Wicca, Druidry, Heathenry, Hellenismos, whatever have you, each of these places have rules and expectations and ways to explain how things work. The big secret is just because that’s how they do things doesn’t mean that’s how you have to do things.

Sometimes It Doesn’t Work

Blog posts, articles, books, there is probably about 1000 witchcraft 101 teachings to consume for a new witch. Among them, the ever prevalent question answer form of information.

I did a spell but it didn’t work, what did I do wrong?”

The Mundanity of Witchcraft

I read through the written format of the same journey I have partially taken. The transformation of the Phoenix, a spiritual transformation to rebuild yourself in a better image. When I had done it I experienced fire and catharsis and the quiet of oblivion before dragging ash to become whole. Witch Ren and Witch Momma…

It’s Not Perfect

And the comparison is there, it’s always there in the back of my mind, comparing the work of the ancients and the modern day worshippers to what I can produce.

Offerings of Creation

Magazines flip, rustling against the cluttered wooden table. Three voices sing to the speaker, cracking, sometimes whispered. Blades slice glossed pages with satisfying hisses.

Anthesteria, Take One

The smoke, woody with snaps that of licorice, wafts over the statue in curling lazy motions, drifting up and away from the altar. I gaze at the statue for a long moment, feeling my chest tighten and my eyes well. I get the sense of meeting a friend for the first time in years, relief and recognition all at once.

Aphrodite, Mess and Peace

Libations are not grand rituals for me, as the start of the month is always busy and drains my energy. In a general sense it’s simply sitting at the altar, lighting a candle and saying hymns and praise.